1. All pilots and officials must be at least 14 to be able too join JetBlue Virtual Airways.
2. All Pilots and officials must own a legal copy of Microsoft Flight Simulator 1998, 2000, 2002.
3. All pilots and officials must have a email account that is valid, and a internet connection.
4. All Pilots must fly with in 10 days of there joining date at least 2 routes and file them as a pirep to remain active, if you do not fly at least 2 routes with in 10 days of your joining you will be removed after 10 day from the United Rosters. All pilots must fly 2 or more routes in each month, if you don't after a month there will be, a auto e-mail will tell you to do a flight with in, 10 days if you don't do flight with in 10 days from the auto e-mail it will take you off the roster. If you will be gone we encourage our pilots to fill out a Vacation Requisition Form, so we can put you on a LOA.
5. All pilots begin at entry position. You can submit hours from other airlines, and we can add them to your name. You will receive ALL credit for those hours. If the hours cannot be verified than no credit will be issued.
6. All Pilots Must be respectful towards pilots and staff. If a staff member or pilot is treating any other pilot in or out of United Virtual Airline unfairly you will be given a warning and the second time you will receive a suspension and if it happens a third time you will be removed from the rosters.
7. You will have to get a valid ID with VATSIM, you must have a ID number with Vatsim to be able to join. If you do not have either you can visit VATSIM at: www.vatsim.net
8. File a priep every flight you did to keep up with your hours with us.